Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's a New Year!

Gracia, Mom, and Faith on New Year's Eve

Gracia, Dad, and Faith ringing in the New Year a little early...the kids do it at 10PM.

Faith lost her first tooth (with a teeny bit of help from Dad after it had been wiggly for 3 weeks!)
She put it in her "Twinkle Toof" tooth trunk for under the pillow. Tooth Fairy brought 2 shiny gold $1.00 coins, which Faith proceeded to spend the next day at the dollar store.

I think Faith looks like a 6-year-old with a missing tooth.

Daddy helps a little but there was no pain.

Siri's Grampa Lloyd with his new T-shirt:
"LUTEFISK: The piece of cod that passes all understanding."

Faith & Gracia at Grampa Nick and Grama Rosie's house with dancing stuffies.

Grammy Linda with Gracia, enjoying cookies and milk in her new Gingerbread apron and baking cap.

Gracia (pink) and Faith (purple) set out cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. All gone by morning, of course!

Gracia begged to make a Gingerbread House this year, so we got the good ol' Wiltons kit and whipped on up. Here they are proud of their work (Mommy helped a lot.)