Friday, May 22, 2009

Sleepy Sweeties

I seem to have taken a few shots of my Sleeping Beauties lately. Norah is showing a preference for her thumb and is a pretty good self-soother. Norah is sleeping through the night from 10pm to 6 am and it is WONDERFUL! The twins didn't sleep through the night until they were 4! They were still having a bottle at 3 am at age 2. Norah is such a different experience.

Going in to give a final kiss before I went to bed, this is how I found Faith. It's not uncommon to find Faith in some sort of hat apparatus.

Gracia wasn't donning a ht, but I had to take a picture of her sweet face, too. It is her canopy drape that's above her head.

Norah nurses around 6 or 7 am in our bed, then falls asleep for another hour and is so

Such a darling face! Norah is happiest on her changing table.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New POOH Highchair

Snapshot #1 ("what is this new thing?")

Snapshot #2 ("The BIG people seem excited...maybe this is a good thing!")

Snapshot #3 (THERE'S A SMILE!!!!)

Norah got her brand new Winnie The Pooh highchair put together today by Mommy. She seems to like it (already napping in it as I write this.) Norah has been watching us all eat at the table, sitting in our laps, and seems very curious as to what we are putting in our mouths, and seems to be wondering why she doesn't get any of that stuff? I don't know why I get so excited to start feeding solids. I held out to 5 months with the twins and plan to wait until 5 or 6 months with Norah, too. It's just so fun feeding babies! Although it adds more work to the day, I still get excited. But we thought it was time to let her sit up to the table like a "big girl."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Daddy's Hike with the Girls


John promised the girls a little nature hike today and they went to Cedar Creek Park in south Fairmont. Mom and Norah stayed home, even though it was a beautiful day. We don't have a baby napsack, and I decided to do a little studying, since I'm going to be entering family practice again and have a review program to work on to feel better about my knowledge and skills.
The threesome packed a little picnic and enjoyed the afternoon together.



(Gracia standing, Faith pouting because she didn't want to be on the little rock ledge)

Aahh! Finally some sisterly love.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gracia lost her first tooth! (April 30)

Getting Gracia's loose tooth out took a couple of days and tries. Faith REALLY wanted to get Gracia's tooth out (it didn't hurt at all when Faith's 1st tooth got pulled) but a couple of attempts on Gracia proved too uncomfortable, so the operation was aborted once or twice. In this picture, before the first attempt, Gracia drew a white board picture of her with a missing tooth. You can tell Faith is enthusiastic about her twin's tooth coming out so she can "be grown up" like her!

Here we go! Daddy gets the floss on Gracia's tooth. She'd had enough of the wiggles...

Time to pull...gently but firmly.

PRESTO! The tooth is out! (Sorry, for those who don't like blood:)

Three Sisters in their Jammies