Monday, July 13, 2009


Norah is getting into the routine of bedtime stories. We hope she'll love books as much as her big sisters do. We started reading to the twins when they were still in Mommy, and Daddy was very instrumental in teaching them about books, taking the twins to the library at 3 months of age. It is a great gift to give your child a love for reading.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Requesting Prayers

Dale (my dad's cousin) and his wife, Tammy, lost their 2nd child this weekend. Rhonda, 17 years old, was one of 3 in a car driven by a 14-year-old (!!!) under the influence. All 3 were ejected from the car during a "loss of control" single-vehicle accident, and Rhonda died on the scene. The other 2 survived. Her older brother, Tony, died on his 21st birthday last September, driving home from work, and probably fell asleep. Dale and Tammy lost their only 2 children within 10 months. Pray for peace and comfort for this family as they cope with this immense grief. And, kiss your children!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fun Pix of the Kids

Auntie Stevie from California giving Norah a bottle at the pool party the night before her baptism.

Uncle Adam with Faith at the hot tub.
Cutie Pie Norah. She'd just rolled onto her tummy from her back. Play by play action below.

"What, Mom?"
"Ah! I did it!"
"I'm rolling over now! Watch!"
Faith and Gracia have their maiden voyage on the canoe with Dad.
Taking off from shore.
Boarding the canoe. Faith is sitting above and Gracia is standing.

Visiting Grandpa Lloyd at St. Mary's in Rochester. Grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer mid-June.
Uncle Adam and Norah having a cuddle.
Norah, gazing into her Uncle Adam's eyes. Adam adores his nieces. And LOVES BABIES!
Norah poses just like Grandpa Lloyd and Grandma Linda when they are "disgusted." Norah, however, is not disgusted, and just resting. But it was cute.
Mommy couldn't help herself! She just wanted to see if Norah liked a little rice cereal from a spoon. She did! But that little immature tongue thrust makes swallowing difficult. We'll wait a while before this is a regular practice.
Mommy HAD to use the bathroom at Kwik Trip in Rochester, and we were alone, so fortunately, there was a a little baby seat. Norah looked so darn cute sitting there, I snapped a picture from the "throne."
Grandma GG gets a little time to feed Norah with a bottle.
Not a good photo, but a sweet moment. Grandpa Dave was singing a quiet little song in Norah's ear and she was listening so intently.
Grandpa had a window ledge in his room that Faith found was a good perch.

BIG GRANDPA, little great-granddaughter
Daddy with Norah in Grandpa's hospital room. Appropriate bib on Norah, "Daddy Loves Me."