Sunday, July 20, 2008

Welcome to Dancing Twinkies. Well, okay, the Twinkies aren't dancing in this picture...this is actually what Gracia's face looked like in most of my pictures of our family vacation to The West this summer. Faith manages a coy smile most of the time.

This is my first honest attempt at blogging. I figure it's time to keep up with the times, and now that we are expecting a new baby in February 2009, I have a little time to learn this blogging thing.

Our family is made up of John (a.k.a. Dad; Lutheran preacher), Siri (a.k.a. Mom; nurse practitioner), Faith (Twinkie #1 born 1 minute before...), and Gracia (Twinkie #2). Faith and Gracia are 5 years old, anxious for Kindergarten this fall, excited about a new brother or sister in February 2009 (they want twin boys), and in their spare time, enjoy ballet, made a hearty attempt at T-ball this year, and have recently taken up Suzuki violin method. Our household contains 2 pets. Sable is our kitty, who was Siri's roommate before meeting her mate, and Teddy is our 1 year old American Water Spaniel.

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