Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I had my first prenatal visit today. Everything is progressing well. I'm just about 10 weeks along, and the baby is measuring 3.3 cm (a little over an inch, crown to rump). Heart is beating and baby is moving. All is well. It's just one baby...sorry, Faith and Gracia (who wanted twin boys)...let some other parents have a turn with multiples! I'm happy to try my hand at a singleton! Baby's due around Feb 20, 2009.


Jodie and the boys said...

Congratulations (on the baby and the blog!)! I'm excited to check in on you guys from time to time. I often wonder how you're doing! You can check on us any time (!

batrdoant said...

Congratulations on your future addition to your family! I'm sure the girls will be lots of help!

We have a blog's fun isn't it?

Take care!
--Barb, Troy, Domonique and Andre!

BAGVLI said...

Hooray! Glad all is well!

Happy Baptismal Birthday, too, girls!

Keri said...

So glad to hear all is well Siri.So happy for you guys,
